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of natural products
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Product Description

“Mountain gum”, “tears of the gods”, “life-giving stone blood” - which names have not been given to this product by people for centuries of use. Since ancient times, this gift of the nature was revered, which harbored in itself a life-giving force preserving the body and soul. The first written references to the mumiyo are clay tablets belonging to the times of the ancient Sumerians (2750-2600 BC). And its first samples, which showed a full value of its properties to the Soviet scientists, were taken in the Altai Mountains. Altai Mumiyo is a unique complex consisting of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements, created by nature itself. After all, mumiyo has a mountainous origin and is a product of natural origin. The best mumiyo is black or with shades of brown color, shiny, with a specific aroma and bitter aftertaste. Our Company uses the soft (without heating to high temperatures) purification technology of the raw mumiyo, which allows us to preserve all valuable and useful substances. In the opinion of the scientists, the active components of the mumiyo possess high regenerative, anti-inflammatory and restoring properties. The special composition of the product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduces the state of stress, irritability and depression. Its useful elements help to strengthen the immunity and replenish vitamin and mineral needs, producing a general strengthening effect on the human body in whole. Due to its valuable properties, the mumiyo is widely used in the folk medicine as a remedy which exercises a positive effect both inside and topically, being used as compresses, ointments and masks. Nowadays, the centuries-old experience of the folk medicine is becoming truly invaluable and gives us the opportunity to strengthen our body with the help of natural products. Mumiyo is an exclusive treasure of the nature, which is a real storehouse of human health.

Energy value

Product Description

“Mountain gum”, “tears of the gods”, “life-giving stone blood” - which names have not been given to this product by people for centuries of use. Since ancient times, this gift of the nature was revered, which harbored in itself a life-giving force preserving the body and soul. The first written references to the mumiyo are clay tablets belonging to the times of the ancient Sumerians (2750-2600 BC). And its first samples, which showed a full value of its properties to the Soviet scientists, were taken in the Altai Mountains. Altai Mumiyo is a unique complex consisting of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements, created by nature itself. After all, mumiyo has a mountainous origin and is a product of natural origin. The best mumiyo is black or with shades of brown color, shiny, with a specific aroma and bitter aftertaste. Our Company uses the soft (without heating to high temperatures) purification technology of the raw mumiyo, which allows us to preserve all valuable and useful substances. In the opinion of the scientists, the active components of the mumiyo possess high regenerative, anti-inflammatory and restoring properties. The special composition of the product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduces the state of stress, irritability and depression. Its useful elements help to strengthen the immunity and replenish vitamin and mineral needs, producing a general strengthening effect on the human body in whole. Due to its valuable properties, the mumiyo is widely used in the folk medicine as a remedy which exercises a positive effect both inside and topically, being used as compresses, ointments and masks. Nowadays, the centuries-old experience of the folk medicine is becoming truly invaluable and gives us the opportunity to strengthen our body with the help of natural products. Mumiyo is an exclusive treasure of the nature, which is a real storehouse of human health.